Principal's Corner

A Welcome Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Students,

On behalf of the faculty and staff I would like to welcome you to Ramstein High School, Home of the Royals. Our school's fully qualified educators and combined with high expectations have enabled us to prepare programs for the students that compare favorably with stateside schools of similar size.

This parent/student handbook has been assembled to provide you with information to assist you to better familiarize yourself with our educational programs and daily operational procedures. If you have questions or concerns you are invited to call, e-mail or come in to talk with me or one of the assistant principals.

We expect you to be active participants in your education. We encourage you to become involved in our school's programs and special activities while living in the unique overseas environment. We want you to experience a successful, productive and rewarding school year.

Get Involved in Your School!

We look forward to working with you and hope that you share our excitement and enthusiasm as we begin school year.

It's going to be a great year!

DoDEA's official photo of Chinell Callwood.

Chinell Callwood

Unit 3243
APO, AE 09094-3243
United States

+49 (0)6317-106-6540
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