About Our School

School Mission/Vision


Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world.


Excellence in Education for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere

About Our School

Ramstein American High School is a modern facility that was originally completed in 1982; its first graduating class was the class of 1983. A several million-dollar MilCom project at that time added a football field and stadium, track, tennis courts, soccer fields, baseball fields, practice fields, and an auto lab. The new library extension was completed in September 2003. In August 2004, the new high school addition of 12 classrooms, a music room, and a weight room extension were ready for student and faculty use. Four modular science rooms were added during the summer of 2010.


Fall 2021

Building of Ramstein HS

Saying good-bye to the old school building was a bitter-sweet experience filled with excitement at the end of SY20-21. A brand new 21st Century school building was opened in the Fall of 2021.The building features dedicated science laboratories, computer laboratories, open classrooms, collaborative spaces, and spaces dedicated to the study of the Arts, Business, Communications, IT-STEM, National Security, Health Services, Human Services, and Freshman programs.

School Goals

Ramstein High School will increase student achievement for all students by supporting the implementation of College and Career Ready Standards.

Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Chinell Callwood.

Chinell Callwood

Unit 3243
APO, AE 09094-3243
United States

+49 (0)6317-106-6540
Ramstein High School official mascot Lion with Crown
Enrollment: 906
Mascot Downloads
School Colors
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