Ramstein High School student’s creative submission selected for Immunization Awareness Campaign

Jessica Tackaberry, Public Affairs
Sep 25, 2024
Immunization Awareness

At the start of the previous school year, DoDEA Europe issued a call to its schools, inviting students to submit creative works to promote the significance of immunizations in preventing childhood diseases. This initiative also aimed to highlight the importance of adhering to DoDEA’s immunization policy.

The submission criteria were provided to students in various classes across DoDEA Europe. Ramstein High School responded enthusiastically, with a total of six submissions. All submissions were unique and displayed student talent. Among them, Emma Singletary’s entry stood out for its creativity, thoughtfulness, and broad appeal. 

The selection process was rigorous, with the deadline for submissions on June 1, 2024. Dr. Michelle Howard-Brahaney, DoDEA Europe Director for Student Excellence, and other regional staff leaders reviewed each entry carefully. Singletary's submission was chosen for its effectiveness in communicating the importance of immunizations in a manner that resonates with a wide audience. Her submission, which was selected for its charm and effectiveness in communicating the message, will be featured in a public service announcement (PSA) broadcast on DoDEA’s social media channels. 

DoDEA Europe's initiative is designed to celebrate the creativity of its students while reinforcing the critical role of immunizations in public health. By showcasing student-generated content, DoDEA aims to engage families in meaningful ways and promote informed decisions about vaccination.

This campaign is a testament to the talent and contribution of DoDEA students. 

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